Tennessee Conference of the Association of American University Professors


Article I: Name and Purpose

1.  This organization shall be known as the Tennessee Conference of the American Association of University Professors.

2.  Its purposes shall be to advance the cause of higher education through encouraging the wider adoption of the professional standards and ideals of the American Association of University Professors; to review and advance the professional and economic status and other interests of the academic profession at institutions of higher learning in Tennessee, specifically including academic freedom, responsibility, and tenure; to consider professional problems involving faculty at institutions of higher learning in Tennessee, and proposals from AAUP members concerning Conference policy; and to assist in the organization of chapters of the American Association of University Professors at institutions of higher learning in Tennessee.


Article II: Membership

1. All active members of AAUP nationally who have paid Conference dues are members of the Tennessee Conference.

2.  In accord with the participation of the Tennessee Conference in the comprehensive dues policy of national AAUP, Conference dues and national dues shall be remitted as a combined payment to national.

3.  Any change in the amount of Conference dues or in the manner in which those dues are assessed and paid must be proposed by a majority of the active members attending a Spring or Fall meeting and be ratified by a secret ballot vote of the Conference membership. For the purpose of this and any other membership ballot, a Conference newsletter sent individually to all active members in Tennessee is an appropriate vehicle. Any change in Federal legislation requiring different procedures for setting dues shall be followed and the constitution amended in accordance with such legislation.


Article III: Officers

1.  The officers shall be a president, a vice-president from independent/private institutions (who is first vice president), a vice president from public universities (who is second vice president), a vice president from community colleges (who is third vice president), and a vice president for contingent faculty (who is fourth vice president) in an "at large" position,  a secretary, a treasurer, and the immediate past-president. These eight officers shall constitute the Executive Committee, and shall perform the duties prescribed by this constitution and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Conference. The vice president from independent/private institutions, the vice president from public universities, the vice president from community colleges and the vice president for contingent faculty at large shall represent the particular concerns of their constituencies to the Conference.

2.  All Conference officers shall be elected in even-numbered years by a secret ballot vote among active AAUP members in Tennessee. The term of each officer shall be two years.

3.  The Executive Committee shall fill any vacancies in the offices of president, vice presidents, secretary, or treasurer that occur between elections.

4. All Conference officers and committee chairs shall maintain complete files of official correspondence and other records appropriate to their AAUP work and shall transmit those files intact to their successors within one month after they are notified or become aware that they have been succeeded in office.

Article IV: Meetings

1.  The Conference shall meet each Spring and Fall and at other times as called by the Conference president or by Conference members officially representing at least five chapters. The time and place of each meeting shall be determined by the Executive Committee. At least thirty days prior to the date of the meeting all members shall be given notice of the time, place, and purpose of the meeting.

2.  At Conference meetings, delegates representing individual campuses are entitled proportionally to cast a number of votes equal to the number of active national AAUP members employed on their campuses who have paid Conference dues.

3.  A quorum shall consist of active members of AAUP representing a majority of national members in the Tennessee Conference.

4.  Parliamentary authority shall be the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised.

Article V: Committees

1.  The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Conference between its meetings, fix the hour and place of meetings, make recommendations to the Conference, and perform such other duties as are specified in this Constitution. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the Conference President or upon the written request of four members of the Executive Committee.

2.  A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee in the fall of each odd-numbered year. It shall identify one or two candidates for each Conference office (except past president). Conference members shall be invited to recommend candidates for consideration by the Nominating Committee, and the Nominating Committee shall be encouraged to select a slate of candidates that is diverse with respect to geography, gender, race, and type of institution. The nominating committee shall identify a person to develop the electronic version of the ballot. Provision will be made on the ballot for write-in candidates. The chair of the Nominating Committee, with the assistance of the current officers, will be responsible for e-mailing the link for the electronic ballot to all active AAUP members in Tennessee by March 1 of each even-numbered year, with a closing deadline for completion of the ballots not later than March 31. The electronic ballot count shall be e-mailed to the chair of the Nominating Committee and two other AAUP members designated by the Executive Committee. The candidates will be informed of the results of the election not later than April 30, with the new officers assuming their functions on June 30.

3.  The Conference or its Executive Committee may establish such standing or special committees as may seem necessary and desirable and such committees shall function until discharged by the Conference or its Executive Committee. Members of standing and special committees shall be appointed by the Conference president with the approval of the Executive Committee.

Article VI: Amendments

1.  Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed either by the Executive Committee or by Conference members representing three or more institutions of higher learning.

2.  Amendments must be approved by a two-thirds vote of members attending a regularly-scheduled Conference meeting, adequate notice having been given of consideration of the amendment.

3.  Amendments shall be submitted to the Conference membership for ratification through a secret ballot and shall be adopted upon receiving two-thirds of the votes cast.

Amended 3/20/2010